Bredbo Valley View farm - providing quality education in Permaculture and sustainable living practices.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Accidental tourists

It was very foggy this morning, and there was no traffic noise. At about 6:15am the South Care Helicopter could be heard flying around the area looking for somewhere to land. The Cook had been up all night making cakes for a function today and set off towards Canberra a little before 7:00am, only to return home ten minutes later. Unfortunately there had been another fatal accident just outside town involving the mail truck and a car.

So, as the Cook had to be in Canberra before 10:00am we loaded up the Jeep and trundled off towards Jerangle - along the dirt road from hell. I was thinking of going the Tharwa way past Bililingra, but the road probably hasn't been graded all snow season and Mt Ginnini had 57mm of rain on Monday. We took the road down to Michelago that crosses the Tinderry Ranges - it's a lovely drive but it took us over two hours to get to Canberra.

Anyway - back to the pigs - when I went out to feed the pigs Rose is standing in the pen digging a ditch. It's about six feet long and over a foot deep - I haven't a clue what she is doing. I don't think it's and escape attempt as it runs parallel to the fence. Of interest though is that she was being supervised by one of the runties - I suspect they would be capable of attempting to take over the world.

Beccy is drinking well - Harry had to come back and gtet more milk this morning because she was so hungry.

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